Krisztina Kulman

I was born in Budapest in 1983, and after a small detour I chose a career in health care, where I feel really at home. Since I was a little child, I have always been close to the love of the spot, which still accompanies me to this day. I have always been interested in the functioning of the human body and healthy nutrition. During my studies, I was confirmed in my belief that good nutrition is not only a means of preventing certain diseases, but also a means of curing them.

The choice of the topic of my thesis and my own personal involvement have led me to dig deeper into the relationship between infertility and nutrition. I myself have experienced that often things do not go as smoothly as we would like and that sometimes having a child is a long time coming. 

I worked for 2 years as a clinical dietitian at the Defence Hospital, where I was exposed to a wide range of illnesses in inpatient and outpatient care and was able to see the many ways in which a dietitian can help people to heal.

Since January 2024, I have been part of the team at TritonLife Róbert Károly Private Hospital.

A medical examination - be it gastroenterology, infertility, gynaecology or other - can reveal diseases that have a dietary aspect, diet can improve the condition significantly, or for some diseases diet itself is the solution.
It is the doctor who determines the treatment for these conditions, which in most cases includes a properly managed diet, exercise and, if necessary, medication. I believe that nutritional therapy in itself is not "just" a diet, but a lifestyle change. Diet does not have to mean giving up, it is possible to eat well and eat healthily without depriving yourself of delicious snacks, but still ensuring that you have the right energy and energy balance your body needs.
and nutrients that are right for our bodies. I think it is important to leave this to a professional before we get lost in the
"fad diets" and internet "experts".

Who can contact me?

- who have an abnormality found during an infertility, gynaecological, endocrinological or andrological examination and whose treatment includes diet
- who have a metabolic disorder or a gastroenterological problem during a routine blood test
- people who want to eat healthily or lose weight
- for pre- and post-operative consultation

Optional services

- Nutritional status assessment, diet adjustment
- Insulin resistance- IR diet
- PCO diet
- Diabetes diet
- Overweight, obesity- Weight loss/ Fitness diet
- Recommended diet for hypo- or hyperthyroidism, autoimmune thyroiditis reducing diet
- Diet for Metabolic X Syndrome
- For people with gestational diabetes diagnosed during pregnancy
- Pregnancy diet with carbohydrate quality and quantity control
- Healthy eating advice available for anyone who wants to learn about good nutrition, even as a new mother
- Correct nutrient intake, with nutrient calculation, discussion of appropriate mineral and vitamin supplementation
- Also diet for digestive complaints/ stomach or intestinal disorders-reflux, IBS, Crohn's, Ulcerative Colitis
- For patients diagnosed with food allergy, intolerance
- Gluten sensitivity, Lactose, Fructose, Intolerance, Milk protein allergy diet.
- Correctly formulated vegetarian or vegan diets for pregnant women.
- Pre- and post-operative consultation
- Baby consultation - nutritional advice
- Dietetics for children